An x-ray on the monitor

Lab and X-Ray

The well-trained and licensed staff seek to provide the highest quality care during your diagnostic experience. By offering a range of services at a variety of sites, Quality of Life Health Services, Inc. strives to meet your diagnostic needs.

To schedule a diagnostic appointment please call: 888-490-0131

Lab, HIV Testing and EKG Services

Quality of Life offers routine lab services (including confidential HIV testing) and EKG testing at all of our medical centers.


Registered x-ray technologists provide physician-ordered, routine non-invasive x-ray services at six of our Quality of Life Health Center locations:

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)

Pulmonary Function Tests check how well your lungs work. The tests determine how much air your lungs can hold, how quickly you can move air in and out of your lungs, and how well your lungs put oxygen into and remove carbon dioxide from your blood. The tests can diagnose lung diseases, measure the severity of lung problems, and check to see how well treatment for a lung disease is working. Pulmonary Function Tests are offered at five of our medical centers:

Our Services